Ladybird Living – Your London Estate Agent

Ladybird Living

Out-of-hours emergency

If you have a genuine property related emergency requiring immediate attention, and

  1. It is outside our normal office hours (9:00-18:00) and/or a UK public holiday; and
  2. You live in a property managed by Ladybird Living;

please find below information on what you will need to do next in each scenario.
If the above does not apply, please click here to submit a report which we will address once our offices reopen.

Emergency: An emergency is deemed to be where a problem places either you or the property in imminent danger of suffering harm, injury or damage. All other matters should be reported via our issues report portal. Should any works you request not be of a genuine urgent nature, or not be within the boundary of the property you rent, such as communal areas, you may be held responsible for the cost of the works undertaken.

  • Locked out of property –If you have locked yourself out of your property or have mislaid your keys, 24/7 London Locksmiths are a reputable and reasonably priced firm. They can be contacted on 0203 371 0650. Please note that they can only assist with flat front doors and not those of the building you reside in or any communal doors.

  • Gas Leak– If you suspect a gas leak, please report this to National Grid immediately by phoning 0800 111 999. All windows should be opened, and you should leave the property until the engineer arrives. No lights or electrical appliances should be used until the property has been deemed safe.
  • Fire – If there is a fire in the property, call the fire brigade on 999.
  • Loss of power– Check the fuse board and reset any tripped fuse(s). Check if other properties in the building or area are affected. You can find a brief video to assist you with resetting trip switches on your fuse box.

  • Electricity– If you have any electricity problems, kindly report the issue to us via our issues report portal which will be addressed once our offices reopen

  • Security alarm– If you have a security alarm and this is sounding, this can be isolated at the fuse board by dropping the relevant fuse on the fuse board. You can then report the issue to us via our issues report portal which will be addressed once our offices reopen.

  • No water– Check if you have a supply of cold water from the kitchen tap. If not, the issue is likely to be the supply into the property which is the responsibility of Thames Water. You can report an issue with Thames Water here.

  • Break-in or Forced Entry– If there has been a break in or forced entry into your property, or if you feel intimidated by a neighbour or anyone else, please call the police on 999.

  • No Heating or Hot Water – If there is no hot water or heating, please click here to submit a report which will also provide some steps which may enable you to reinstate the hot water and heating supply.

  • Water leaks– If a leak is coming into your property from above, please alert the neighbour(s) upstairs of the problem as neither Ladybird Living nor the contractor can attend to the property above. If there is a roof above you, please contain the leak as best as possible with a bucket/bowl report the issue to us via our issues report portal. Ladybird Living will contact building management once our offices reopen.
If the leak is within your property, or affecting another property, and the leak cannot be contained with a bucket/bowel, please isolate the water supply by turning off the stopcock. This is most usually located under the kitchen sink or by a boiler and looks like one of the below: