Ladybird Living – Your London Estate Agent

Ladybird Living
May 04 2023

Renters' Reform Bill: 8th May 2023

The Renters’ Reform Bill will be introduced on 8 May 2023.  


The Renters’ Reform Bill aims to reform the private rented sector (PRS) and improve the quality of housing. The government published ‘A Fairer Private Rented Sector’ in June 2022 which details all the plans. To summarise, the government plans the following:  


  • to abolish section 21 (property owners will only be able to evict a tenant if there is a valid reason to do so, which will be defined in law). 
  • require properties in the private rented sector to meet the Decent Homes Standard 
  • to establish a new ombudsman covering private property owners 
  • to introduce a new digital property portal (to support property owners with demonstrating regulatory compliance and to attract prospective tenants) 


Some newer proposals by the government include: 

  • making all tenancies periodic 
  • doubling the notice periods for rent reviews 
  • making it illegal for property owners to have blanket bans on renting to families with children or those receiving benefits  
  • improving the rights of tenants to have pets in properties. 


What is included in the Decent Homes Standard? 

The Decent Homes Standard aims to ensure that properties are free from serious health and safety hazards. Property owners are also responsible for maintaining the property. Non-decent homes will be covered by Rent Repayment Orders. Under the Decent Homes Standard, tenants will also have the right to end a tenancy if the property is deemed to be unsuitable and unsafe.  


What powers will the ombudsman have? 

The ombudsman will have the following powers: 

  • to support tenants by asking property owners to issue apologies where necessary  
  • provide information  
  • take remedial action 
  • pay compensation of up to £25,000 
  • require property owners to reimburse rent to tenants if property standards are not met 


The information in this post is valid to the best of our knowledge on the date of posting. It is advised that you seek independent advice based on your individual circumstances. 


T +44 (0)203 488 1488 



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