Here are 3 tips to get property owners to choose your agency.
1. Focus on your target audience
You should focus on addressing your target audience. To do this, you must do you research to understand your audience and provide them with relevant information and advice. You should think about capital growth and yield and advise property owners on what they should prioritise depending on their demographics and goals. By fully understanding your target audience, you can tailor the content to meet the needs of those property owners which, in turn, will attract them to your agency.
2. Utilise appropriate social media platforms for your audience
It is important that you utilise appropriate social media platforms to meet your target audiences’ needs. For example, if you are trying to attract younger property owners, then TikTok may be an appropriate platform in which you can upload informative, property-based videos daily.
Many property owners, however, may be in the age range of 50-70 years old and therefore, you may want to use alternative platforms such as LinkedIn or Facebook to reach them.
3. Be creative whilst also remaining relevant
You should try to use a variety of methods to create engaging content. Blogs, videos, and podcasts are all effective options to reach out to your target audience. Ensure that each topic is relevant and up to date. Topics you can discuss include value of property, information about the local property market and current buy-to-let deals.
The information in this post is valid to the best of our knowledge on the date of posting. It is advised that you seek independent advice based on your individual circumstances.
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